<Steamed pork buns>

Walking around Chinatown in winter, all the steams come out from the restaurants and the stalls feel so welcoming. And eating steamed bun is the perfect fast food to make you feel warm.

You are going to make 4 steamed pork buns and  learn how to make the filling from scratch. Your own freshly steamed bun will be served with home-made winter warmer soup. And a few more buns to take home.

<Enriched sandwich loaf>

My dad was a great baker and one of my favourite breads that he used to create and couldn't get the similar breads from anywhere else was this loaf. Though the one you are going to make at the lesson is my own recipe, I tried and tried to get as close as possible to my dad's bread.

You will learn the basic rolling and shaping skills through this lesson and the flavour and the texture will make you WOW!!

You will take one whole loaf at home.